Our Ethos
Our Ethos is to provide each child with a safe, developmentally appropriate environment which respects, supports and celebrates each child’s individual needs, culture and difference.

Our history
Clann Aire was originally Clondrohid Pre-School which was located in the GAA dressing rooms in the village back in 1999. In 2001 a house was rented in the village and opened up as our crèche facility. Later on this year a few local Parents got together and formed a Board of Directors and a Committee. With a lot of hard work and dedication they secured funding from the Government and HSE to build a purpose built crèche and Pre-school facility in the village. Clann Aire then opened in February 2003. Even though the new facility was state of the art at the time they soon realised that the space they had in the building could not live up to the demand of childcare needed within the area. In 2005 the Pre-school had to relocate back to the GAA Dressing rooms to allow the Crèche to use the two rooms in the building. In 2006 Clann Aire was granted more funding to expand its facility and our After-school Service was set up this year and ran from the GAA dressing rooms in the evenings. In 2007 after a lot of hard work our extension was finished!! Clann Aire now had 3 crèche rooms, a Pre-school and an After-school service a dinning room and kitchen and store rooms galore. It was lovely to all be back under the same roof. With a good reputation and the demand for childcare rising in 2010 we needed another full daycare room, so the Pre-School moved upstairs next to the After-school. This meant that Clann Aire now had 4 fullday care rooms catering for children from 4 months. We had a Pre-School room and a Before and After-school service catering for children from 3 years-12 years. Since then 2010 we now have 8 working rooms that are open 5 days per week 50 weeks per year. We have 4 Full-Daycare Creche rooms, three sessional ECCE (Pre-School) rooms open 38 weeks per year and two of those Pre-School rooms cater for Full Day care children also. We have a brand new After School Room in our new building that was built in 2020.
Our Services
- Caterpillar Room
- Ladybird Room
- Butterfly Room
- Busy Bees Pre-School Room
- Busy Bears Pre-school Room
- Bumble Bees Pre-school Room
- After School Service
- Breakfast Club for national school children
Opening Hours: We are open Monday-Friday 8:00 am-6:00 pm 49 weeks of the year, with the following exceptions; We are closed:2 week in August (check our calendar for dates) & 1 week at Christmas, again check our calendar for dates) Our After School Service is also available during the school hoildays.
Outdoor Facilities
We have a large covered outdoor space as well as playgrounds, and a green area. We incorporate the outdoors into our daily routine, in every room.Within the grounds of Clann Aire we have; Playgrounds for all our age groups, we also have a more challenging playground for the After-school children, a Tarmac area for the ride on toys, Wood chip area, outdoor mud Kitchen, green area, sports pitch,a covered area with a sandbox and safety flooring. We are also lucky to have an all-weather pitch just across from our building, that is available to us during the day. The children love going up to the pitch and experiencing the freedom of the vast space in a secure environment.
Kitchen We have a purpose built kitchen & Dining area, we have a Chef and a Housekeeper that work mainly behind the scenes, preparing lovely nutritious food for all the children. Laura makes all the dinners, desserts and teas for the children and accommodates any child with a dietary requirement, where possible. We provide all the food that your child will eat here at Clann Aire and our menus are changed with new tastes and textures added throughout the year. Check out our menus
Our housekeeping staff keep our building in tip top shape through the implementation of our cleaning routines in all of our areas. Infection control is of paramount importance at all times but especially during times of a Pandemic. Washing of linen, keeping clean, dry bibs to all of our babies is no mean fete!

Túsla Inspections:We have annual un-announced inspections by Tusla – The Child and Family Agency the body responsible for inspecting pre-schools, Crèches, fullday-care centers, School aged childcare(SAC) which cater for children aged 0-12 years, under the Child Care (Pre-School Services) Regulations 2006.Inspections reports can be viewed on the departments website.
We have had Department of Education & Skills (DES) Inspections also Inspections reports can be viewed on the departments website.
We are also inspected annually by Pobal. Our books are audited quarterly by pobal.This is the body we report to for all of the funding we receive through the individual childhood education and care schemes available to parents.
Our community
Our Crèche services are open for 50 weeks of the year. Our Pre-School services are open for 38 weeks of the year Childcare for Pre-School and National School children during school holidays is available but they must be Pre- Booked in advance. Please go to the relevant rooms for further information and contact details.
We have an extensive range of Policies and procedures available to all of our parents to view in their own time. When your child starts with us you are given a code to access all of our policies& Procedures.
- Mission Statement
- Admissions Policy
- Settling in Policy
- Equal Opportunity and Diversity policy
- Positive behaviour management Policy
- Child Protection Policy
- Medicine Policy
- Healthy Eating Policy
- Infection Control Policy
- Dropping off & Collection Policy
- Child Safeguarding Policy