Ladybird Room

From ages 18 months 2 years old

Ladybird Room

The children in the Ladybird room are from 18 to two years depending on there stage of development. We have a play room, nappy changing room and a sleep room. The Ladybird room is a fun and active room following the child’s needs and interests during their play and giving them opportunities to learn and experience the world around them. The daily routine for the Ladybirds is as follows;

This routine is flexible and if the weather is nice we do our activity outside where possible.

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Caterpillar Room

This room caters for children from 4 months to around 18 months. Here at the Caterpillar Room we follow your child’s own daily routine.

Ladybird Room

The children in the Ladybird room are from 2-3 years. We have a play room, nappy changing room and small toilets for toilet training.

Butterfly Room

The Butterfly room is for children aged 3-4 years and is a very busy and fun room.This is a Pre Pre-school room where we start to introduce the “High/scope” routine...

Pre School

Our Pre-School service is available for children from 3 years.We have two morning sessions running together the Busy Bears & the Busy Bees from 9:00 am -12:00 pm.

After School Care

We are located at the rear of the local primary school, allowing us to drop and collect the children by foot.We offer breakfast club and after-school collections,